Thursday, April 16, 2009

Source: Traindevie

Solborg: A Camphill “Ecovillage”

Solborg is a Camphill Village located in southern Norway. Camphill was established in 1940 and from then until now has constructed "ecovillage style" communities throughout the world with a special emphasis on allowing residents with disabilities. Although not officially recognized by GEN as an ecovillage, it still reflects similar traits that make up the traditional composition of them. They believe society marginalizes disabled citizens and believe living at Camphill eneables them a chance to be productive and self sufficient.

In terms of waste, water and sewage Solborg carries out a few different attributes to ensure conservative, sustainable, and low impact usage of its resources. Waste for the most part is composted and later used for nutritious soil. They use horse to transport wastes to mitigate carbon emissions from motorized vehicles. Recycling is often done as well. I would assume they are connected to the local municipal services, but am unclear.

Sewage is typically treated with "ponds, reedbeds and "Flow Form" water cascades. There are many types of Flowforms, "but the central concept is that it is a vessel which brings streaming water into a flow pattern similar to that of liquid in the heart. See Picture.

Source: Storms Journal


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